Thursday, September 11, 2008


Okay, here are some "fruits" of my day.
Fruit of my labor:
In order to make room in my freezer for some fresh Alaskan fish (story to follow later) I had to empty out a 5-gallon bucket of frozen raspberries. My wonderful father had frozen these for me 2 summers ago. I had every intention of making jam then, but just forgot. Anyway, I made 6 batches of jam and there it is (minus the 2 that I gave to Laura). I don't want to put it back in my freezer because of the fish thing, so I guess I will start taking bids!!
Fruit of the Loom:
We went to Fred Meyer's the other day and bought official big boy underwear for Parker. He picked out Diego and Cars underwear (surprise, surprise). Here he is modeling it. Zach had to be in the picture too! He is about 80%-ish potty trained. We still have to use a Pull-up for naps and bedtime and it is always a battle to get him to go poop. Don't they have the cutest little Blad-bums??


Paul and Jennifer Gurule said...

Parker don't let Halle see those Diego underwear...she will steal them because Diego is her idol and I won't buy her any cuz they only make them for little boys.

Weis Family said...

I will take any homemade jam for free!!! How about that for a bid

Bonnie B. said...

Those are some fabulous fruits!!! And if you need a home for the jam, I would willingly donate some real estate in my garage freezer!! All it costs is 10% of the product! : )!

Janet said...

got to love those cute Blad bums!

Felicia said...

Your fruits look wonderful! (All of them!) Your boys are so dang cute. I wish Isaac was even close to potty training. I feel it might never happen. (Sigh.)

bryan and megan said...

Hi Mel, it's Megan (Olsen)
I saw your blog on Heidi's blog and havn't seen you in for ever so I thought that I would stop in and say HI. Your family is adorable.
I just made jam as well, for the first time ever. It turned out pretty good if I might say so. But it made a ton, and like you, I don't know where to put it. Did you find any buyers?!!!

heidi said...

Look at those counter tops. Oooo, laaaa, laaa! I'll be bidding for that fresh Alaska salmon.

Becky said...

Good for you on the jam Miss Domestic. . . I LOVE fish too. We have Salmon about once a week, but I would prefer halibut. Enjoy!