Thursday, November 5, 2009


I have to admit that Halloween is my least favorite holiday. I think teaching absolutely ruined it for me. Anyway, Gus tells me I have to forget myself and do it for the kids. We carved pumpkin out at Grandpa and Grandma's this year. Zach designed and cut his own, which was a vampire.
Parker (Gus mostly) made a Transformers Autobot head. Surprise, surprise.

Alivia didn't like the inside of a pumpkin, so she just hung out!
On Halloween we went to our Trunk or Treat. I was just getting over bronchitis and did not feel well. Then we went out for Chinese. It's a tradition we have. We then made it back here for doughnuts and cider. Wow, what a sugar rush!! Zach was Megatron this year, Parker was Bumblebee and Alivia was Dorothy with pink slippers instead of red! I'm glad we had decent weather and not snow!