Monday, June 8, 2009

Alivia turns 1!

Alivia turned one on Saturday.Where did this year go?? It just seems like yesterday that I was so miserable being pregnant! She is such a great addition to our family. She loves her older brothers and is such a girl. We love having her in our family. She is walking all around and wants to be involved in everything. She really hasn't said her official first word yet, but I'm really thinking that it is going to be 'mama' for sure!!
While I was at my mom's, I found this picture of me in the yellow dress when I was 8 months old. Does it look familiar??

We had cake and ice cream at the Blads on Sunday and, of coarse, we had to do the cake thing. Alivia really didn't get as messy as the boys did. She just dipped her finger in the icing and licked it clean. Her brother and cousins were trying harder to get her dirty! She had a great day. We love you Alivia!


heidi said...

The cake turned out so cute. I still can't get over that picture. I wished my kids looked somewhat like me.

Weis Family said...

You did a great job on the cake. I know those cakes are a lot of work but so much fun at the same time. There is no question she has some Jones in her.

Becky said...

She looks so much like you in that picture. She is so cute!!! I love messy cake photos.