Friday, March 6, 2009

9 months!

Don't you just love it when your 6-year-old and the neighbor bring a dead bird INTO the house to show you?? Of course they said they didn't touch it, but scooped it onto a rock to carry it into the house. Please tell me this is normal and I don't have a son who is obsessed! It's in the garbage now and I keep wanting to gag. Gus will have to take that one out.

Anyway, Alivia had her 9 month check up today. She is 17 pounds and still in the 50th percentile for height. I had to make her 1 year check up for next time and I am quite sad! She can't be a year! Honestly, time flies and I am grateful for each moment I have with these munchkins!


Goodwin Family said...

yuck!! Dead things make me squirm! Brittanie has her 9 month next month. It's crazy how fast the time is going by!

Becky said...

I think it is totally normal. I also don't think that it is just a boy thing. Hazel is always picking up bugs to come and show me. I have to draw the line at worms though I HATE worms.

heidi said...

About the bird; very, very gross! I bet these last 9 months went faster than the 9 months you were pregnant. Cute pic of the kids. Livvy is a good mix.

Paul and Jennifer Gurule said...

That is so like my boys! Tell Zac I said that was GROSS and that Joseph, Ben, and Jake do the same thing. And to think you wanted another boy! Livvy is a good mix, I agree with Heidi and it looks like we are going to have another red head!

The Mangelson Family said...

That's nasty! And I can't believe Livvy is already 9 months old. It seems like she's been in your family forever, though. Isn't it weird how that goes?

The life of Jayne said...

Boys can be so funny!

D and C said...

She is SO cute Mel. Good job! lol!