Friday, February 20, 2009

I found a gray hair today

If this is what happens when you're 30, I'm going back to 29. I have nothing more to say!


hollyb said...

Ha ha!!! I guess you can laugh when I find one.

Janet said...

It's okay Mel really! Now you can just join the world of Women who color their hair and highlight and lowlight or any light to cover that darn gray. Me I wouldn't know about covering gray I just don't want to look like dirty dish water.

heidi said...

Way to end your week, huh?

Paul and Jennifer Gurule said...

Are you sure that isn't just a very light blonde hair? All I have to say is I'm 36 and I haven't found any yet! Hee Hee

The life of Jayne said...

WOW!! Just pluck it out, and pretent that you didnt really see one!!

Bonnie B. said...

At least you didn't start finding them at age 15, like me. See, there's always someone worse off. (heehee)