Friday, February 19, 2010

Merry Christmas in February!

Do you ever feel like life gets so busy that you just have to take one day at a time to try to get by? Yeah, that's how I have felt these last couple of months! Crazy that February is half over and I am just posting Christmas pictures. We had a great Christmas. It's fun still when the kids get into it.
We've had a crazy last couple of months. Gus got called to be the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. That was a complete surprise. I guess it's not really--if you know Gus. That's what I get for marrying a goody-goody. (I'm really just kidding about that). That keeps him busy and me busy during Sacrament meeting!
All in all, we are still alive and doing well. We are making the rounds for being sick now, but we are doing well. I promise to try to stay updated!


heidi said...

Finally an update!!! Geesh! J/k I know that you have been really busy, but I miss pictures of your little stinkers. Hope you guys get feeling better.